each box will arrive full of materials, tools and instructions to make a complete project. Each box will include something exclusive to The Block Print Club, that may be in the form of printing blocks, paints, materials or even all 3.
The Block Print Club Subscription Box
Take time for you with our Block Print Club subscription box:
everything you need to create an exclusive limited edition print project delivered to your door every 2 months.
£30 every 2 months | Free UK shipping | Cancel or skip anytime
How it works
1. Subscribe to the club. Payment is taken for first box on initial order.
2. Boxes are dispatched end of 1st week of the month*. (exact date varies)
3. Create, print and share! Join our Block Print Club Facebook group.
4. Payment is taken automatically for next box on 10th of next month*.
March box project
our next subscription box will be sent mid March
what's included?
each box contains:
- All materials needed to complete your block printing project (except for printing basics like paint tray, foam mat & masking tape)
- Clear step-by-step photo instructions
- Online video tutorial, accessed via private YouTube link
- Block Print Club Facebook group to share your creations & ask for tips
£30 every 2 months | Free UK shipping | Cancel or skip anytime
Signing up today? Your next box will be the March box, dispatched in...
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sign up now to receive our July project box.
Past boxes available to order
"Serious fun! I can't stop printing."
"Spent my morning printing! Loving this months subscription box"
"Loved making my creation, thank you"
- feedback from happy Block Print Club members